
The addon currently brings in the following content:

  • Products.
  • Images for products.
  • Variants for products.
  • Collections

Product Content

The addon pulls the following information for products. Although you can remove any of this from the editor there are a few fields that are required for the addon to work.

Product IDproduct_idUsed to fetch data from the admin API.Y
Storefront IDstorefront_idUsed to integrate the frontend for ShopifyY
HandleslugIdentifier for products. Sets as slugY
TitletitleProduct title as shown in Shopify
Body HTMLcontentAny content from the Shopify editor
Product Imagefeatured_imageMain image as set in Shopify
GallerygalleryAll further images uploaded to products
VariantsAll variants, assigned to their own blueprint
VendorvendorTaxonomy for vendor
Tagsproduct_tagsTaxonomy for product tags
Typeproduct_typeTaxonomy for product types
Published atpublished_atWhen the product was published on Shopify

By default, we overwrite any content pulled from Shopify over the stored values in Statamic.

You can change this by editing the overwrite option in the config file. The following are currently able to be switched between overwriting or not.

  * Whether the importer should overwrite data from Statamic.
'overwrite' => [
    'title' => true,
    'content' => true,
    'vendor' => true,
    'type' => true,
    'tags' => true

In addition you can add to the blueprint and any metafields associated with your products will be imported.

Variants Content

The addon pulls the following information for variants.

Variant IDslugUsed to fetch data from the admin API.Y
SKUskuUnique SKU for product
Product Slugproduct_slugUsed to match the variant to the productY
TitletitleVariant title as shown in Shopify
PricepriceThe price for the variant
Inventory Quantityinventory_quantityHow many products are in stock
WeightgramsWeight as stored in grams
Option 1option1Option 1 from variant (Default Title if no variants added)
Option 2option2Option 2 from variant (if non, returns null)
Option 3option3Option 3 from variant (if non, returns null)
Requires shippingrequires_shippingFlag for if the product needs shipping
ImageimageVariant image as set in Shopify

The above fields will always be overwritten to stay in sync with Shopify

Collections Content

The addon pulls the following information for collections.

Collection IDcollection_idThe Shopify ID for the collectionY
SlugslugThe handle of the collection in ShopifyY
TitletitleCollection title as shown in ShopifyY
ContentcontentThe content/description of the Collection
Featured Imagefeatured_imageThe featured image / asset if set in Shopify

In addition you can add to the blueprint and any metafields associated with your collections will be imported.

The above fields will always be overwritten to stay in sync with Shopify

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Jan 3, 2025