
There are a few scopes included in the addon that help you get the information you need to the frontend.


Allows you to filter the Variants Collection to items that are on sale. This is useful if you are creating a sale page.


{{ collection:variants query_scope="variant_is_on_sale" as="variants" }}

   {{ variants group_by="product_slug" }}
      {{ groups }}
          {{ collection:products :slug:is="product_slug" limit="1" as="product" }}
              {{ product:title }}
              {{ items }}       
                 {{ sku }} - Price: £{{ price }} (was: £{{ compare_at_price }})
              {{ /items }}
          {{ /collection:products }}
      {{ /groups }}
   {{ /variants }}

{{ /collection:variants }}


Allows you to filter the Variants Collection to a specific Product slug. Useful for returning the variants onto the single product page.


{{ collection:variants query_scope="variant_by_product" :product="slug" as="variants" }}

    {{ if total_results > 1 }}

        <select name="ss-product-variant" id="ss-product-variant" class="mb-2 p-2 border">
            {{ variants }}
                <option value="{{ storefront_id }}">{{ title }} - £{{ price }}</option>
            {{ /variants}}

    {{ else }}

        {{ variants }}
            <input type="hidden" name="ss-product-variant" id="ss-product-variant" value="{{ storefront_id }}">
        {{ /variants}}

    {{ /if }}

{{ /collection:variants }}
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Jan 3, 2025