
There is a built method to listen for webhooks sent by Shopify back to your application. These are validated based on a secret you received when setting them up.

Setting Up Webhooks

  1. Head to your Shopify admin
  2. Click Settings > Notifications
  3. Scroll down to Webhooks and click Create Webhook
  4. Enter the URL as shown in the sections below.
  5. Leave the type as JSON and on the latest API.

If you are trying to test any webhooks locally you'll need to use a service like Ngrok to forward your localhost to a secure endpoint.

Collection Create

You should add a webhook on Collection Creation that sends the data to Statamic and queues the import of that one collection.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:


Collection Update

Similarly, rather than running the full import to catch any changes to collections, you can add a webhook on Collection Update that sends any updated data to Statamic and queues a refresh of that collection.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:


Collection Delete

If you want collections to be removed from Statamic whenever you delete them from Shopify, you can add a webhook in Shopify which tells the system to delete the collection.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:


Product Update

Similarly, rather than running the full import to catch any changes to products, you can add a webhook on Product Update that sends any updated data to Statamic and queues a refresh of that product.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:


Product Delete

If you want products to be removed from Statamic whenever you delete them from Shopify, you can add a webhook in Shopify which tells the system to delete the products.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:


Order Created

This will scan for all line_items and refetch the product data.

Your URL should point to the following endpoint:



Each webhook listener also fires an event you can use to hook into with your own logic based on the payload received.

The available events are:


Each event has one property $data with the payload data decoded to a stdClass.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Jan 3, 2025